Financial definitions

Adjusted operating margin
Net operating income as a percentage of basic rental income.

Average fixed interest rate
Average remaining maturity of the interest rate for interest-bearing liabilities.

Average interest rate
Average interest rate for interest-bearing liabilities.

Average number of ordinary shares outstanding
Average number of shares outstanding during the period.

Building rights
Assessed buildable gross area, in square meters.

Central administration
Central administrative costs refer to costs for group management and group-wide functions.

Earnings per ordinary share
Profit after tax in relation to the average number of ordinary shares outstanding.

Economic occupancy rate
Annual contract value divided by rental value excluding project properties

Equity¹ with the repossession of derivatives and deferred tax.

EPRA NRV less intangible assets and assessed fair value of deferred tax.

EPRA NDV with the repossession of intangible assets, derivatives and deferred tax in full.

Profit from property management less current tax per ordinary share.

Equity per ordinary share
Equity¹ in relation to the number of ordinary shares outstanding.

Equity ratio
Equity as a percentage of the balance sheet total.

Interest-bearing net debt
Interest-bearing liabilities less interest-bearing assets and cash and cash equivalents.

Interest coverage ratio
Profit from property management excluding interest costs and income (excl. leasehold) divided by interest costs and income (excl. leasehold).

Investment properties
Properties under ongoing management.

Loan-to-value ratio
Interest-bearing liabilities after deduction of cash and cash equivalents in relation to the fair value of the properties.

Net asset value (NAV) per ordinary share
Equity¹ with the reverse of deferred tax liabilities in relation to the number of ordinary shares outstanding.

Number of investment properties
The number of investment properties in the balance sheet includes properties under day-to-day management as well as project properties.

Number of ordinary shares outstanding
Number of ordinary shares outstanding at the balance sheet date.

Operating margin
Net operating income as a percentage of revenue

Profit from property management per ordinary share
Profit from property management in relation to the average number of ordinary shares outstanding.

Project properties
Properties where ongoing renovation or extension affects the landlord more than 40 per cent.

Return on equity
Profit after tax on an annual basis divided by the average of opening and closing equity¹.

Rental value
Annual contract value with supplements for assessed market rent for vacant premises.

Share price per ordinary share
Share price on balance date.

Unrealised changes in value
Change in fair value excluding acquisitions, divestments and investments.

Net operating income in relation to the investment property’s fair value (excluding project properties).

Logistea applies the European Securities and Markets Authority’s (ESMA) guidelines on Alternative Key Ratios. The guidelines aim to make alternative key ratios in financial statements more understandable, reliable and comparable, thereby promoting their usefulness. According to these guidelines, an alternative key ratio refers to financial measures of historical or future earnings performance, financial position, financial performance or cash flows that are not defined or specified in the applicable financial reporting rules; IFRS and the Annual Accounts Act

¹Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent company