Sustainability targets

Sustainability is an integral part of Logistea’s strategic framework and goals. In 2023, work began to adapt the company’s sustainability work and reporting to the new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). A double materiality analysis according to the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) was conducted and validated by the company’s key stakeholders. The materiality analysis pointed out the sustainability issues that Logistea should prioritize in order to minimize risks and take advantage of opportunities, both financially and in terms of Logistea’s impact on the outside world.


  • Energy saving measures – Annually move at least 10 percent of the properties in the like-for-like portfolio to a significantly better energy class, through energy projects together with our tenants, until the end of 2025.
  • Solar energy – Annually increase the installed power from solar energy by 1 MWp.
  • Battery energy – Installed capacity from battery storage shall be at least 30 MW by the end of 2025.
  • Fossil-free electricity – 100 percent fossil-free electricity for the electricity contracts Logistea has control over.
  • Net-zero greenhouse gas – Logistea will reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions in scope 1 and 2 by 2030.
  • Charging infrastructure – Five properties will be equipped with charging infrastructure for vehicles annually.
  • Sustainability certification – All new construction and major renovations must be sustainability certified.
  • Reuse – Logistea will work to use recycled materials in new construction and renovations.
  • Ecosystem services – Logistea will work to expand the proportion of green biospaces within the property portfolio together with our tenants.

In addition to the above goals, Logistea has also established social goals and objectives in conduct and governance.