Clarification: Logistea ordinary share class A is today traded excluding right to participate in bonus issue

Due to todays trading in Logistea AB, the following information is given for clarification:

As disclosed on 22 November 2021, the extra ordinary general meeting in Logistea AB (publ) (”Logistea”) resolved on a bonus issue of ordinary shares of class B in which one (1) ordinary share of class A entitles to ten (10) new ordinary shares of class B, each having one tenth of a vote (1/10). The record date for the bonus issue is 12 November 2021.

The last day of trading in ordinary shares of class A including right to receive new ordinary shares of class B in the bonus issue was 10 November 2021. The first day of trading in ordinary shares of class A excluding right to receive new ordinary shares of class B is on 11 November 2021.

The extra ordinary general meeting on 22 November 2021 also resolved on a reversed split (1:10). The record date for the reversed split has not yet been determined.