Logistea brings forward disclosure of financial information regarding capital structure for Q3 2021

Logistea AB (publ) ("Logistea") brings forward financial information of the Company’s capital structure for the third quarter of 2021. The background is regulatory requirements where financial information regarding capital structure may not be older than 90 days when publishing a prospectus. Below are attached equity and liabilities, net debt and assets pledged as of September 30, 2021. The information has not been audited by the Company’s auditor. The full Q3 Interim Report 2021 will be published November 26, 2021.

Equity and liabilities

MSEK September 30, 2021
Total current liabilities (including current part of non-current liabilities) 64.1
Guaranteed 2.0
Secured 14.8
Unguaranteed/unsecured 47.3
Total non-current liabilities (excluding current part of non-current liabilities) 773.8
Secured 674.7
Unguaranteed/unsecured 99.1
Shareholder equity 741.8
Share capital 8.0
Other contributed capital 655.7
Retained earnings incl. net profit for the period 78.1

Net debt

MSEK September 30, 2021
(A) Cash 79.1
(B) Cash equivalents
(C) Other current financial assets
(D) Liquidity (A)+(B)+(C) 79.1
(E) Current financial debt (including debt instruments, but excluding current portion of non-current financial debt) 5.1
(F) Current portion of non-current financial debt 59.0
(G) Current financial indebtedness (E+F) 64.1
(H) Net current financial indebtedness (G-D) -15.0
(I) Non-current financial debt (excluding current portion and debt instruments) 773.8
(J) Debt instruments
(K) Non-current trade and other payables
(L) Non-current financial indebtedness (I+J+K) 773.8
(M) Total financial indebtedness (H + L) 758.8

As of September 30, 2021, the liquidity amounted to 79.1 MSEK, consisting of cash. As of September 30, 2021, current interest-bearing liabilities amounted to 64.1 MSEK, of which 16.8 MSEK consisted of current bank debt. As of September 30, 2021, non-current interest-bearing liabilities amounted to 773.8 MSEK of which 674.7 MSEK consisted of non-current bank debt.

Pledged assets

MSEK 30 September 2021
Property mortgages* 754.2
Company mortgages
Shares in subsidiaries 373.6
Pledged receivables
Contingent indebtedness 43.0

*As of September 30, 2021, the utilized amount was 689.5 MSEK.