Logistea to be included in EPRA’s index for listed real estate equities

EPRA, the European Public Real Estate Association, in collaboration with FTSE Russel and Nareit, administers a global real estate index, the purpose of which is to represent general trends in eligible real estate equities worldwide. The index is a leading global index for listed real estate investments. In the latest quarterly index review, which was published on the evening of September 6, it was confirmed that Logistea will be included in the global index from Monday, September 23, 2024.

"The inclusion in EPRA's index is another positive effect of this summer's merger with KMC Properties ASA. In addition to the increased interest in Logistea and our share, the inclusion is a confirmation that our share is investable for both Nordic and international private investors and larger institutional players. We look forward to continuing to create good shareholder value for both new and existing shareholders," says CEO Niklas Zuckerman.

In 2023, EPRA announced that Logistea is the first and so far the only Swedish real estate company to achieve gold in EPRA's financial Best Practice Recommendations Awards.