Risks and risk management

Logistea is continually exposed to a range of risks that may affect the Company’s future operations, earnings and financial position. Logistea’s systematic risk analysis focuses on preventing risks, as well as evaluating how risk management can be turned into opportunities.

Logistea is exposed to a range of risks that may become material to the Company’s future activities, earnings and financial position. The Company focuses actively on identifying and managing the risks and opportunities that are relevant to the Company’s business. The Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for risk management at Logistea, while operational responsibility is delegated to the CEO. Established policies, instructions and mandates are in place, which are regularly followed up, to address identified risks that may arise in the business, as well as behaviours that could affect the Logistea brand and trust in the Company. Risks that arise from events beyond the control of the Company and that could lead to a cessation of activities are continually monitored.

More information about which risks and Logistea risk management can be found in Logistea Annual Reports under the section Risk and risk management.

Sensitivity analysis

Logistea is exposed to a number of risks and the company’s valuations depend on a number of factors. A number of important factors and their effects on Logistea are described below.

Sensitivity analysis for property values


Effect on value, MSEK Change Warehouse and logistics Light industry


Yield requirements

+/– 0.25% pp –141/153 –55/59


Rental income

+/– 5% 199/–199 81/–81



+/– 1% pp –40/40 –16/16


Property expenses

+/– 5% –19/19 –8/8



Effect on value, MSEK Change Warehouse and logistics Light industry


Yield requirements +/– 0.25% pp –101/110 –66/72


Rental income

+/– 5% 139/–139 103/–103



+/– 1% pp –28/28 –21/21


Property expenses

+/– 5% –15/15 –12/12


Sensitivity analysis for changes in interest rates

MSEK Change Impact on profit 2023

Impact on profit 2022

Stibor 3M

+/– 1% pp –13/+4



Note: The impact on profit in the sensitivity analysis includes effects from the interest rate derivatives Logistea had at the end of each period.