Logistea is a real estate company in warehousing, logistics and light industry, with the vision of being the natural partner for companies that demand modern sustainable premises in this segment. Demand for warehousing and logistics premises is significant and Logistea’s growth has been strong since the first property was acquired at the end of 2019.
Market niche with high demand
Logistea operates in a niche with increasing demand, partly as a result of the ongoing transformation in the trade, where access to efficient warehousing and logistics management is becoming increasingly important Logistea’s customers include well-known expansive e-commerce companies, which place demands on modern warehousing and logistics solutions located in the best logistics locations in Sweden.
Strong growth
Logistea is growing through acquisitions, development and management of properties and land, and has a growth target of a property value exceeding SEK 15 billion by the end of 2024. As part of the growth target, the company will annually create 25,000 square meters of new space.
Organization with solid experience
Logistea’s organization consists of a combined expertise in property management, transaction and financing. The company has its own management and an organisation that ensures high quality and level of service for tenants and other stakeholders.
A sustainable business
Logistea contributes to the UN’s Agenda 2030 by supporting a sustainable society and protecting the environment. Sustainability, including a focus on reducing carbon dioxide emissions through energy-efficient buildings, is an integral part of Logistea’s business strategy. The company’s goal is for newly built properties to achieve BREEAM In-use Very Good or Excellent or another equivalent certification standard. Logistea’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Mid Cap under the short names LOGI A and B.
Brief history
The real estate company Logistea has sprung from the fashion company Odd Molly. The entire fashion business was divested in July 2021 and the company has since been a pure real estate company. At an Extraordinary General Meeting in October 2021, a decision was made to change the business object in the Articles of Association to acquire, develop and sell properties and to change the company name to Logistea AB (publ).